05.09.2020 (1751 days ago)

Silver Linings

Silver Linings
1751 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The bedrock of Gotham has always been its tender heart.  And this beating heart was brilliantly expressed this past Tuesday at our ZOOMFEST virtual luncheon of Gotham ‘s Health and Longivity group.   Gotham founder and master interrupter, Fred Klein, took the (virtual) floor to remind us what Gotham was all about:

He said:  “During these challenging times, Gotham is striving like never before to provide a lifeline to its members by bringing people together.  We are devoted to the collective SHARE and if there’s a silver-lining to this pandemic it’s that we provide opportunities to virtually co-mingle with other members knowing that there’s comfort at being with friends.

Case in point: it feels strange not being in the same room with others yet we crossed all geographical boundaries by linking members who were in California, Arizona, Florida, Connecticut and New York. No one had to commute.  No one had to rearrange a schedule or even take a 45 minute cab ride across town during rush hour.


So for all of us during these stressful times, Gotham continues to move forward. Take advantage of this vision by Riding the Circuit—virtually. Zoom to your or heart’s delight. Visit other groups you wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to experience.  Meet new people who might become new clients, new suppliers, new friends.


To quote the usually not often quoted gentleman: “What do you have to lose?”  Gotham is here for YOU!   Use us, take advantage of us and understand that our tender heart, extends to all its members with affection.


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