Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.30.2014 (3834 days ago)

Sign of the times

Sign of the times
3834 days ago 8 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Apple is just about to introduce some new stuff on September 9th which is very exciting. A new larger screen and possibly a wearable device.


But the more interesting news to me coming out of Apple is that they lowered the minimum age of developers that attend their developer conference from 18 to 13. That's right 13 years old. Right down the street from me a 14 year old young boy already has two apps he developed selling in the App Store.


Google has started its own youth program. In June it hosted 200 children between the ages of 11 and 15 for a half-day, introducing them to some basic tools used by its developers.


Nick D'Aloisio is one of these whiz kids and a hero to this generation. Now 18, Mr. D'Aloisio last year sold his news-summarizing app Summly to Yahoo Inc. for $30 million.


I think I'm going to buy a computer for my niece. She's only three but apparently it's never to early to start.

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