Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.19.2020 (1782 days ago)

Shut in but not out

Shut in but not out
1782 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Shut in some but how can I complain when many experience worse things. I spent parts of the last two and this weekend setting up what I call my outside office.


Unfortunately, the weather cooperated not at all in terms of making use of it. What remains for this afternoon involves a power washing of the stairs to the yard but the office space stands ready.

Outside Office

My simple goal today involves the power washing and leaving the outside office looking ready.


I’ll continue listening to my Doin’ Fine playlist that I blogged about more than a month ago.

I mused with two friends how the table’s length allows for social distancing.

Just like I long not just for baseball’s return, but to attend a game at Citifield (and perhaps on the road as well; just as I look forward to actually using the tickets to some great postponed concerts (and some I expect to get postponed) on the rescheduled dates (whenever that may be), and just as I look forward to activities including swimming and basketball, I always took forward to my outside office space’s alternative use: a place to welcome a gathering of friends.

yard left

In the meantime, I look forward, not to a return to Days Gone By, but to sound minds prevailing and this pandemic getting mitigated so we can safely and incrementally return to many of the activities we enjoyed before.

As John Fogerty sings I’m ready to play!

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