03.19.2015 (3643 days ago)

Shut It Off

Shut It Off
3643 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As we settled into our seats at the theater, I opened the Playbill and read the insert asking that I shut off my cell phone. The request went beyond the usual reminder to “silence” the device. “PLEASE...turn off your cell phones...” the insert implored, followed by an explanation of how even silenced phones interfered with the theater’s sound system.

I wasn't sure whether to abide but I remembered the suggestion of an Apple Genius that it was a good idea to power off the cell phone at least once a day. The phone hadn’t been off that day. I am not sure whether either the insert or “Genius” suggestion alone would have carried the day but the combination they were persuasive and I powered the phone off.

During intermission, I noticed all of the people checking their phones and reached for mine. I remembered that the phone was off.

It occurred to me that I didn't have to turn it back on. I could leave it off and simply enjoy the view for a few minutes until the second act started.

How liberating.

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