05.07.2015 (3594 days ago)

Show Some Sock

Show Some Sock
3594 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I don't consider myself to be a fashion statement; although the other day an adversary told me that my tie reminded her of a Klimt painting as we digressed to a brief discussion of the movie Woman in Gold.
Recently, with Flo’s encouragement and support, I have ventured into the frontier of expressive men’s socks. I have joined the ranks of many other Gothamites -- Fred included -- who don't mind showing a little sock. Frankly, the reaction has been universally positive. A glimpse of sock and a thumbs up.
A few questions persist: Do you match the socks to the shoes, the pants, the shirt, or nothing at all?  What does one do with dark boring socks? Will you be showing a little sock ?

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Posted By : hydrajet