Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
01.26.2013 (4425 days ago)

Back in Gotham

Back in Gotham
4425 days ago 13 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Johnny stepped off the plane and a shot of cold air hit his face and entered his lungs. He looked around and everything was coated in white dust. It was so quiet you could hear the snow fall...too quiet he thought.


As he walked down the stairs to the tarmac, his mind was swirling with the story Eddie told him. It seemed so unbelievable. He tried to focus but couldn't take his mind off of Pauline. She was right in front of him. He could smell her perfume. He drew a deep was intoxicating. His body reacted and memories came flooding back - hot nights, cool mornings and long passionate kisses. They both knew how to really please each other. He had never felt so connected to anyone and thought he probably never will.


They reached the bottom of the stairs and Pauline turned her head giving him that smile as if she knew what he was thinking. He was so immersed in his own thoughts he didn't notice the crowd of men in suits just standing around. They were all staring at him. One of the men in the middle looked real familiar. Johnny thought he'd seen him before.


"Mr. Washington? Mr. John Washington?" asked a tall man to his right. Johnny wasn't sure he should answer but he did. "Yes sir?"

"Mr. Hoover would like a word with you. Right this way sir" The man stepped back to reveal a back sedan with the rear door open. Johnny started getting nervous. He had heard stories about how this guy had the goods on the President. He thought he better be careful.

As he walked towards the car he looked back to see Eddie, Kenny and Pauline looking at him with shocked faces. Johnny got into the sedan as the door closed behind him. He settled into the back seat and looked out the window at them and smiled. He thought..I hope I get to see them again.


"Mr. Washington. May I call you John?"

"Why yes sir." answered Johnny quite nervously

"You know John, the Yankees won the World Series, Notre Dame is the NCAA Champion and a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico....supposedly..."

"Yes sir" Johnny said cautiously

"But I think the most significant thing is there's a Negro playing baseball for the Dodgers. "

Johnny didn't know what to say. Here he was sitting next to the most powerful cop in the country and the guy was talking about Jackie. He started to feel like something was wrong, really wrong. And whatever it was, it was about to happen.

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