Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.30.2013 (4362 days ago)


4362 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It's an exciting time of year, leaves will start to form on trees, flowers will grow and more importantly we get to play golf.


Golf season is here and, as I'm sure you know, the Annual Bob Formica Golf & Tennis Outing is right around the corner. But a more important story is emerging from the USTA.


On the heels of proposing a ban on belly putters, they are considering shortening the distance a golf ball flys. That's a bit disturbing but I understand the thinking. They don't want to change courses or make them bigger considering the number one complaint about golf is that it takes too long. However, every golfer I know wants to hit it farther including yours truly.


Ball manufacturers have to add the word distance to every box otherwise it doesn't sell. Club manufacturer's even name their drivers to imply distance...RocketBallz, Big Bertha, etc. No amateur wants a ball that is made to go shorter.


What if we made cars that went slower (OMG!) or coffee that was made colder, or computers that worked at slower speeds...we would be up in arms.


I want a ball that flies 300 yards on a drive. Especially if I'm playing Norman.

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