Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
02.02.2019 (2223 days ago)

Shocking but true

Shocking but true
2223 days ago 26 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My wife and I went to the movies last Saturday night. We saw A Star is Born which we both liked.  senior


But that's not the real story....when we walked up to the ticket counter, I asked for two adults. And then we heard a shocking but true response from the young man behind the counter. "Senior Discount?"


We both looked at each other in shock and laughed. It was the first time we've been asked. Pam asked the ticket seller what age is the senior discount. He said "60" and we bothed laughed again. We just turned 60 this past year.


I accepted the discount, we bought the largest bucket of popcorn they sold and walked into the theater thinking that I'm sure that's not the last time that will happen.

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