Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.25.2014 (3777 days ago)

Shock and awe?

Shock and awe?
3777 days ago 8 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Ebola Hazmat costumes. It's the new rage for Halloween this year. The CEO of a company in California that's selling Ebola Hazmat costumes says "people want that shock and awe."


Most costume retailers carry the hazmat suits because of the "Breaking Bad" craze that was popular during Halloween of last year and now many people are planning to repurpose those suits for the Ebola outbreak this year.


One online store is offiering an "Ebola Containment Suit Costume" for $79.99. In Dallas, TX, where the first cases in the US were diagnosed, a costume retailer has actually sold out of the costume.


Do you think it's insensitive or just fun? Would you wear it?

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