Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.25.2018 (2536 days ago)

She’s in my heart

She’s in my heart
2536 days ago 12 comments Categories: Music Tags:

Last night we celebrated 33. And we crossed an item off Shelly’s bucket list. The item: Rod Stewart in concert. Rod the Mod performed tunes from his catalogue including his Dylan cover (in honor of Fred?) Forever Young. The band members played a wide variety of instruments beyond the usual guitars, bass, drums and keys. At times a banjo, sax, mandolin, two violins, even a harp. At times three backing vocalists.

Personally, since The Faces were among my early faves, Stay With Me was a highlight. I also enjoyed his cover of People Get Ready, an Impressions cover he originally recorded with The Jeff Beck Group; Rod dedicated it to the day’s student marchers; a very nice touch and warmly received by the audience.

I had attended a number of Faces concerts in the early 70s.

Happy to report a septuagenarian can deliver just as well.

But most special to share the moments with Shelly.

So many aprospos tunes:

*Tim Hardin’s Reason To Believe

*Van Morrison’s Have I Told You Lately

*Love Is

*Rhythm of My Heart and

*You Wear It Well.

And of course, You're in My Heart Which she is


Bonus video:

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