Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
02.25.2017 (2931 days ago)

She's a zealot

She's a zealot
2931 days ago 13 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Here's a real life story...think about who's on what side when you read this.


A couple has been married for more than 30 years. They've always had political differences - she leans one way while he leans the other - but that never prevented them from amicably discussing polictics. However, this all changed during the recent presidential campaign...She has become a nearly fantical ______ supporter, reacting to any criticism, no matter how benign, with vitriol. She now hates the other side and regards people who share those views as simply contemptible. The husband is now weary - and frightened - of her diabtribes and no longer brings up the topic.


Who is she supporting? Does it matter?


The wife  in this story is now intolerant of people who don't share her opinion. Her behaviors show she doesn't think her husband is worthy of respect and his reactions indicate he is moving in that same direction.


All of us, at the very least, need to respect one another enough to listen and try to understand. Be heroic.

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