Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.13.2019 (2243 days ago)

She Shed Says It All

She Shed Says It All
2243 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Rachelle Bearak, Jonathan Bearak

She made sure her husband enjoys a nice space (one might say two). But this commentary leaves any more discussion of my “offices” for another time; definitely not here. Thursday afternoon Shelly texts me she expects a delivery.


I did not give much thought to what it might be but mused it might relate to her new space in our home.


You see the space formerly know as Jonathan’s room experienced a conversion. Gone for a number of years: our eldest child. More recently, at Shelly’s request I disposed of our son’s former childhood dresser and hutch, and mattress and box spring, and recycling the bed frame.


The room lied empty.


It now enjoys a chaise lounge and makeup table.

Rachelle's She Shed



Yesterday morning before leaving for basketball, I addressed the delivered item. It gave a name to the space, “Rachelle’s She Shed” (Please click on the image near the title above.). I installed it to the right of the window so anyone who entered or looked inside past an open door fully understands who enjoys that space.

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