Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.03.2021 (1198 days ago)

She Did It All!

She Did It All!
1198 days ago 26 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Thanksgiving is always a bountiful and enjoyable holiday, but this year’s was extra special as our immediate Family convened at (older son) David and Julie’s house.  

Yes, David carved the Turkey, but, unquestionably, the driving force was Julie. 

She did it all!

Putting aside all her shopping and preparation while holding down a full time job, she excelled Thanksgiving morning through to the night when she wished us a safe trip home. 

Early Thanksgiving morning she ran a 5 mile Turkey Trot in an under 9 minute per mile pace (pictured post race with son Jackson) and kept it up through the day.  

She cooked, cleaned, socialized, said Grace, cared for her mom and, generally, kept us all on a most enjoyable even keel.  

Thank you Julie!  Same times next year :)

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