Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.06.2024 (279 days ago)

Shake it up!

Shake it up!
279 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Did you feel it?


I was in a meeting in Pelham NY when it happened. I thought it was so cool. People 300 miles from the epicenter felt the tremor which happened around 10:20AM yesterday The epicenter was about 4 miles southwest of Gladstone, NJ.


According to the U.S. Geological Survey tectonic summary, the earthquake occurred because of “oblique reverse and strike-slip faulting at shallow depths in the crust.” However, scientists do not yet know the exact fault that caused the earthquake. One well-known fault system in the area is the Ramapo Fault System.


All I know is the earth shook and we are reminded we are only pawns in Mother Nature's game.


(BTW, got an aftershock as I write this on Friday at 6P...nice!)

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