01.29.2015 (3693 days ago)

Seventy Years

Seventy Years
3693 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This past Tuesday marked the seventieth anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps in 1945. My Mother had been transported from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp a few months earlier. Her “liberation” would not come until a few months later.


In conjunction with this anniversary, there has been press coverage of the commemoration ceremonies at Auschwitz and the related human interest stories of survivors. One commentator noted that this may be the last major anniversary in which survivors will be able to participate. A sad, sobering, yet realistic, commentary.


All this is portrayed in the interest of History. Indeed, the graphic pictures are only tolerable as historical accounts. To comprehend that this is my parents’ story -- not “History” -- that is my on-going struggle --- a struggle that I certainly share with other children of survivors.


Seventy years or more; it is not History.

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