Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.27.2019 (2228 days ago)


2228 days ago 22 comments Categories: Games Tags:

As I started day seven of the just ended week, it was solely about the number of decades – seven– someone just surpassed.


(At one point this morning I thought it might also be the number of full court games my team won; it just turned out to be the number of games my friend Shawn and I played (We did take five of seven; we hit foul shots to get into game six, won it and almost took game seven.).)


But this is really about a friend named Leonard – we fondly call him Lenny – who was shooting and making baskets from long-range when no one named Curry played for the Warriors. Even at seven decades he still makes those shots and many others, and if he even misses a foul shot it becomes like a main event.


I know Friday’s blogger enjoys success still on the diamond and on an occasion or two I contributing a bistle to his bragging rights. I know he enjoys a round or so when Gotham puts on its annual Bob Formica Golf Outing (Marking June 24 on your calendar).


But our friend Lenny has been known to follow a few hours of full-court with more than a few rounds of tennis and during the summer volleyball as well.


His talent does not just limit itself to sports. He’s a professional factor and dropping the f, an actor too.


Seven of us – all knights by the way – Bruce, Dave (who has met Friday’s blogger and a few others in Gotham’s tribe), Doug, Eric, Shawn, this commentator and the birthday boy – went out to lunch following ball in honor of Lenny surpassing seven decades, of course on day seven of the week just ended.


Happy Birthday Len!  We look forward to doing it again, and not in seven years.

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