Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
02.06.2016 (3305 days ago)


3305 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A 40-year-old woman, from Sonnino, Italy is being taken to court by her husband. But that's not the unusual part. What really raised my eyebrows is that her trip to the justice system is a result of her not doing enough housewok.


Her husband claims that her management of household chores is of a low standard and it has led to the “mistreatment of the family”, according to a translation of Ill Fatto Quotidiano by The Local. She could end up in crowbar hotel for six years.


The husband also reportedly said he had been “forced to live in conditions with poor hygiene” and that his wife rarely cooked.


I wonder what dinner time sounds like in that household now...

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