Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
09.30.2020 (1627 days ago)

Self Perception Revealed

Self Perception Revealed
1627 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

If our identity is defined by what we do, then we can become anything we “do” consistently. It dawned on me that transformation can occur simply by, becoming. Should you train for a marathon and run in the marathon, you are a marathoner. If you remove meat products from your diet, you become a vegetarian. Commitment to becoming is within our control. Do you like to get up early? You’re an “Early Riser” Do you like to stay up late? You might be called a “Night Owl”. The opportunity in the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, provided a platform to become more than we thought possible. At times, the demands were impossible, but magically, we became. Anything you want to become? Tell us first, so we may witness the transformation.

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