Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.23.2021 (1423 days ago)

Sea Sick!

Sea Sick!
1423 days ago 28 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Saturday I went sailing with my friends David Berger and Guy deBoer (pictured). Sailing

If the name Guy deBoer is unfamiliar to you, mark it well as he will be world famous at the end of next year when he (and his boat Spirit) will be the first American solo sailor to win the around the World Golden Globe Race which starts in France. 

David and I are supporters who took the opportunity on a beautiful sunny day to enjoy sailing on Spirit.  

Only problem was that almost as soon as we left the harbor I got queezy and it got worse and worse (and worse)...

Seeing my discomfort, I was urged to focus on the horizon and asked if I wanted to turn around.  
I don't know what was worse, the feelings and rumblings in my body or the ignominious thoughts of quitting in my mind. 

Of course, I resolved to endure, minute by minute, wave by wave, breeze by breeze (Queeze by Queeze) while my crew mates cheerfully chatted away like old salts, drank beer, munched on Hero sandwiches and found their sea legs.

In the end, I made it through the ordeal with a very small victory (I never leaned over the side) 
and great admiration for what lays ahead for Guy.

I suppose that’s the Spirit!

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