Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.02.2013 (4390 days ago)

The Sequester

The Sequester
4390 days ago 4 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Well the sequester is upon us. Are we scared? nervous? or does anybody really care?


And why do they call it a squester? I thought that term was used only for juries. Although I never heard of a jury cutting $1.2 trillion from the budget. Maybe the politicians just wanted to use a gentlier term than fiscal cliff so the public wouldn't be so alarmed.


Even the media isn't so hyped about the sequester. Compared to the fiscal cliff, there seems to be less stories and news about this "event."


It could be these cuts will happen over an extended period of time so it's not so drastic. Kind of like eating less food but only removing one ounce a day. Actually that's doesn't seem so bad although eventually you're left with nothing but the plate.


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