Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.24.2017 (2913 days ago)


2913 days ago 23 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

All my life I've thought about being a schlepper.  

Schlepper?  It is a Yiddish word meaning someone so stupid or ill educated that he or she can only be employed to carry (schlep) things. 

Really. To be precise, for my whole life I have wanted to be a schlepper for a famous artist and now my dream has come true as I schlepped my wife Joanne Klein's beautiful art (sample above) over to the wonderful Helen Harrison Gallery for an opening last week.  

And when I unpacked the pieces I had schlepped and Helen cast her eyes on them for the first time her face lit up in the most satisfyingly  spontaneous affirmation of her appreciation of Joanne's unique artistic talent (and to a far lesser degree, my toil)!

At the Opening I morphed from the schlepper to an annoyingly busy photographer and Facebook poster. 

One might say I'm on the way up.

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