11.05.2018 (2303 days ago)

Say Hello

Say Hello
2303 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Mitch’s blog this week really resonated with me. He wrote about how it’s no longer the American way to be considerate of others. My own observations have taken his comments one step further, we do not even acknowledge one another anymore.


My children have often remarked that I talk to everyone. And I do. I’ll strike up conversations with bank tellers, check out people at the supermarket, people in elevators, etc. Most people are initially skeptical when I first engage them. And, it’s disappointing to me that people at first look at my attempt to engage in conversation with suspicion and trepidation.


Usually, however, within moments, they are happily chatting with me. And I almost always leave every encounter with a smile on my face and the knowledge that I made someone else smile.



So let’s take Mitch’s blog one step further; let’s all do a considerate act for someone else but say hello to them while you do it. I would love to hear everyone's experiences.

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