Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.31.2021 (1170 days ago)

Santas Return!

Santas Return!
1170 days ago 24 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Ever since our boys were young we’ve decorated our hearth with Santas big and small.  

As the years passed “Santas” became a hallowed, enjoyable family tradition with our grand kids replacing our now adult sons with me as the only constant.  

Then came COVID and we were compelled to break tradition last year. It was a very sad and difficult decision, but better safe than sorry.  

This year I was determined and despite the latest surge, Santa and his mask wearing helpers (pictured) got it done.  

There is something so rewarding about the determined perpetuation of a wonderful Family tradition :)

Happy New Year!

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