Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.15.2023 (541 days ago)

Same Time Next Year!

Same Time Next Year!
541 days ago 31 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Every summer we spend special time in Cape May with our dear friends Natalie and Richard and we are still in their thrall following our return home yesterday.  

We have known them since we were young and share over 50 years of intimate history.  

Yes, Natalie is like the perfect sibling. Yes, she's devoted to important Women's causes and has clout. Yes, she finished her first and only New York City Marathon well under 4 hours (3:52 in the rain)! Yes, she is the mother of 3 incredible children (one of whom I consider my "3rd Son"). Yes, she controls a room (and sometimes even me)!

Yes, Richard was a client with whom we shared success. Yes, Richard is a most impressive self made men. Yes, Richard was a fellow Friar. Yes, Richard is one of my top Wheelmen (he drove us to and from Cape May). Yes, Richard has reduced asking provocative questions to a probing Art. Yes, Richard is one of the kindest, most considerate and generous people on Earth!

As you might be able to tell from the abbreviated sketches above, we are very fortunate to spend private time with such nurturing, quality people and they never, ever, fall short of leaving us filled up when we say good bye. 

And when we say good bye I always exclaim "Same time next year!!!"

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You are a good man, Charlie Brown! As are your friends!

Posted By : louis petrone