Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
03.06.2019 (2193 days ago)

Salty Sailors Sailing Stories

Salty Sailors Sailing Stories
2193 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Have you ever been sailing in the British Virgin Islands?

I’ve been preparing for a couple of months. Learning the glossary of terms these salty sailors use, is a language all on its own. If you know me, even just a little, you’re confident I’m comfortable with the proficient use of swear words. Why do terms suddenly change when one steps on a water vessel? Why does left suddenly become Port, or right become Starboard? My husband asked “have you taken care of our provisioning yet?” Why couldn’t he simply say “food shopping”?

I’m a quick study, but I admit, I’m nervous. I’ve seen Cast Away and read the book Old Man in the Sea.

YouTube University has been my friend, along with pictures and stories from my friends. Lately, people are kindly cramming all of their salty sailing advice into my already spinning, RED-head. Do not be shy with me Gotham, give me the best advice you can.


What sailing wisdom can you impart on me today?

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