Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
10.14.2020 (1613 days ago)

Salon Coincidence?

Salon Coincidence?
1613 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

First appearing in France in 1664, Salons were an important place with which to exchange ideas. A social forum where one could increase knowledge, through the art of conversation. Such conversation aimed to please or educate, by allowing free thought and discussion through the expression of art, philosophy and poetry, via oration.

Does it remind you of Gotham? It does for me.

We still have salons today, except the word is often associated with hairstylists, blow-outs, neighborhood coffee clutches, chewing gum, hair foils and brow waxing. The one I'm referring to, is more of the former.

I scheduled an old-fashioned telephone call with a new friend. We didn't even think to Zoom, which validates my future point. Although this friend is "new", something about the conversation was familiar, seasoned, comfortable and artistic. A boomerang of a long-ago kinship, conjured by a unique frequency we both could distinctly hear, effortlessly. A salon style conversation took shape within literally, 1 minute. A deep dive into soulful conversation, music, philosophy, metaphysics and the like.

Paying attention?

In Princeton, 2009 I attended a lecture about Randomness Theory. The professor, through many mathematical explanations, proved that nothing in this world is truly random. In fact, the search for true randomness is a very difficult task. They cannot prove true randomness, as one might define it.

Anyone up for a Salon chat by the fire?

Insert one inspirational phrase or adjective that comes to mind. Don't think too hard. Write it below and let's build a salon of conversation....

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