02.08.2024 (382 days ago)


382 days ago 10 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

We were at an upscale Japanese restaurant in South Beach. Very good food. Pricey.
The choice of sake started with a sake at $60 for a carafe of about 300 ml. We ordered it.
We loved the sake. As we left, I asked the waiter for the name of the sake we had enjoyed. It was “Dassai 45”.
Weeks later we were at our local sushi restaurant. We asked our waitress to recommend a sake. She told us that there was a special sake that her family always enjoyed. It was “Dassai 45”. What a coincidence.
As we sipped, we recalled the great meal in South Beach…and the sake we enjoyed then and were enjoying at the moment.
The sake was delicious at $60. It was even better at the local price of $23.
I wonder whether the price in South Beach impacted how good the sake first tasted.

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