09.21.2014 (3808 days ago)

Safe Havens

Safe Havens
3808 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The thought has occurred to me over the years, that if terrorism in the U.S. became so bad and I had to move to another country, where would I go?  I have no plans to do this, and just renewed my lease.  But what if?


The clear choice to me was always Australia.  It is tucked away, the climate is similar to what we have here, they speak English, and have nice cities and beaches.  And most of all, who would want to attack Australia?   So much for that.  ISIS cells that had planned beheadings were just broken up there.  Scratch Australia off the list.


This now requires some rethinking.  New Zeland seems obvious for some of the same reasons, but maybe it is too close to Australia.  Switzerland has to be on the list.  It has been a neutral country for centuries and no one seems to bother the Swiss.  But would I have to learn German?


What about Iceland?   It is far away from everything, supposedly beautiful, and they make nice sweaters.  No one is attacking Iceland.


I am not packing any time soon.  Just something to think about when you have nothing else to do.   Where would you go?




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