Gotham's Annual Battle of the Bands® returns live for the second year in a row, Sunday May 18, 3:00 to 6: 00 p.m. at Groove, 125 Macdougal Street, (Greenwich Village) New York, NY 10012.
A panel of Judges selected by the Gotham Battle of the Bands® organizing committee will pick the winners from the six bands deemed worthy of competing from the applicants.
Qualifying bands will compete for three prizes:
♪First Prize: $2000 PLUS an appearance at Café Wha?
♪Second Prize: $1000
♪Third Prize: $500.
An Eligible “band” requires at least two (2) people playing instruments; the band can be any size. To apply a band, go here and scroll down to the application. Pay here to apply.
Interested bands must return their Application no later than April 25, 2025. Gotham waives the $50 application fee for full-time high school or college students.
Gotham currently offers opportunities to sponsor the wonderful showcase in the heart of Greenwich Village (Please check with this commentator as some sponsor opportunities are spoken for.):
Please see the full list of open sponsor opportunities below:
$2,500 Lead Sponsor: name on the event; listing on all media and front page of the program journal plus eight seats;
$1,000 Rock and Roll sponsors (two): either front page or back page of program journal (Full page is 5x8”) plus four seats.
$500 Funk Sponsor: inside back page or left or right centerfold full page in program journal (Full page is 5x8”) plus four seats.
$250 Jazz Sponsor: full page in program journal (Full page is 5x8”) and two seats
$150 Hip Hop Sponsor: half (1/2) page in program journal (1/2 page is 5x4”) plus one seat.
$100 Rap Sponsor: Quarter (1/4) page or Business card in program journal (1/4 page is 2.5x4”).
You can also review BOTB sponsorship brochure here.
Tickets are cash only at the door
If you have any questions about becoming a sponsor please reach out to this commentator.
Expect our Executive Producer Norm Spizz to organize one stellar concert.