Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.26.2021 (1175 days ago)

Ring in the new year in health and safety with some great music

Ring in the new year in health and safety with some great music
1175 days ago 5 comments Categories: Music Tags:

My post Thanksgiving blog shared the latest iteration of a Happy Holidays in song playlist to allow folks to enjoy musical cheer throughout the holiday season. Ahead of this new year we embrace, I offer an updated “Songs To Ring In The New Year” with a few added selections. 


You can view the list with each song linked to its YouTube video – 27 videos – linked from my website or go direct to YouTube. The Apple Music playlist covers 25 songs over just shy of two hours.


Please enjoy the new year in health and safety. 


Ring it in loud and enjoy the playlist. 


And please share them.


Best wishes this holiday season and for the year.

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