Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.14.2018 (2283 days ago)

Right Place Wrong Time?

Right Place Wrong Time?
2283 days ago 26 comments Categories: Music Tags:

Last Friday night, In the words of Dr. John “I been in the right place but it must have been at the wrong time.”

We went with my Sea Cliff Book Group (thank you Odey Raviv for arranging) to the Public Theater in chilly NYC to experience the Bob Dylan inspired Girl From The North Country, which is a musical using Dylan’s entire oeuvre (word lifted from program) of songs.

Joanne and I go way back with Dylan and were so excited.

Once we found our seats we were given the usual Playbill and readied ourselves for what has been touted as an amazing entertaiment experience.

However, as the show opened we did not recognize the first few songs and it was at that time that we looked at the Playbill and it was for a different show (playing next door) Sea Wall A Life.  We looked again at the program, we looked at each other and shrugged as the eerie thought entered our minds that we were at the right place at the wrong time.  It was bewildering, we questioned time and place.

Joanne turned to David Berger, an expert on Dylanania, sitting next to her and he assured us we were in the right place at the right time.

And surely we were!  Familiar songs soon issued forth in perfect profusion and I cried real tears when Forever Young stopped the show at the end.

The story, set in the Depression, is so so sad, but I’ll never forget it (for many reasons)!

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