05.24.2021 (1374 days ago)

Reunited And It Feels So Good

Reunited And It Feels So Good
1374 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I am truly enjoying seeing on social media all of the post-vaccine reunions people are having with their loved ones. From seeing friends reunite with their elderly parents to friends reuniting, each picture brings a smile to my face.



My first post-vaccine reunion was with my long-time friends from high school. It was a surprise for my friend Mark for his 60th birthday. The combination of surprise and happiness on his face when he saw me coupled with the strength of his hug almost made my heart burst.


This past weekend I finally spent time, up close, with my brother and sister. The last time we saw one another was outside in October for my husband’s 60th birthday. We had held a small Covid appropriate gathering in my back yard with everyone at a safe distance. This time we were able to stand next to one another, hug, and hold one another close. This reunion made me cry.



Who have you reunited with?



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