Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.26.2020 (1714 days ago)


1714 days ago 39 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

This blog is written with my wife Joanne’s permission because, at times, she is forgetful and relies on me to remind her of things.

We good naturally refer to this practice as her short term Rent-A-Memory and it is my pleasure!

I still have lots of room in my memory bank and I remember much.

I awakened to Jackie Robinson’s earth shaking/game changing debut in 1947 and others that followed such as Mohammed Ali, Tommy Smith, Curt Flood and Colin Kaepernick.

I remember the Brown v. Board of Education decision and the doors that it opened and the awakening it caused, but I also remember the killing of Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney.
I also remember Oswald, Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray.

I remember Elvis, Chuck Berry, John, Keef, Zim, Janis and Leon.

I remember the breaking of the sound barrier, nuclear tests, The New Frontier, Neil Armstrong, Christa McAuliffe and Elon Musk.

I remember the first time I voted and JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Obama and Trump.

I remember the 1950s when the good times rolled and I remember Vietnam Nam when we misspent our youth.

I do not remember being taught about Juneteenth in school, but I’m still willing to learn and will not charge you to share or rent my memories!

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I remember MTV neglecting to play videos by black artists until they did.
I remember Motown 25th Anniversary and Michael Jackson moonwalking across the stage.
I remember my high school newspaper (the hilltop beacon) writing disparaging things about black students in the school and depicting us with bones in our noses.
I remember Marvin Gaye rendition of the National Anthem sung in the Felt Forum at the 1983 NBA All-Star Game.

Posted By : Chante Anderson