Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
02.22.2021 (1478 days ago)


1478 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I was having a conversation the other day with a colleague about our respective remote work spaces.

For me, I have reclaimed my son’s room. He has the best desk in the house and a door I can close. With that space, it feels like work when I walk in and sit down.

I think it is good for my focus to be actually going to work in a space that is dedicated to work. When I leave the “office” at the end of the day (of course, let’s talk another day about when that is), there is a demarcation between work and home. OK, I’ll admit, not the brightest line I’ve ever drawn – but even with the faintest markings, it feels good.

How have you managed to carve out workspace in your space?

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