Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.18.2020 (1635 days ago)

Recurring Nightmares

Recurring Nightmares
1635 days ago 30 comments Categories: Health Tags:

One of my many problems is that I always remember my dreams.

Remember The Paper Chase movie wherein Professor
Kingsfield (pictured) terrorized first year law students?

Well, my nightmare is my own terrorized Paper Chase embellishment:  I’m a first year law student and I’m always unprepared and Professor Kingsfield is always calling on me. Then before I can be at a terrorized loss for words or make a fool of myself I wake up shaking in a cold sweat.

Sound familiar?  What’s your recurring nightmare?

P.S. Living in this Pandemic does not qualify and, as always, no politics!

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