Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.09.2021 (1216 days ago)

Recipe Time!

Recipe Time!
1216 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is almost surreal to be planning an actual holiday in my house.  I bought the turkey last weekend.  Frankly, the turkey is the easiest part of the meal.


Of course, the sweet potato pudding will  be on the table, along with corn bread, stuffing and mashed potatoes  Rumor has it there is also going to be some homemade gluten free macaroni and cheese.  Lest it all sound like a carb load (which it is), we will prepare fresh string beans or maybe spinach cooked on top of the stove.


Order about to be placed for a gluten free pumpkin pie.


I’m sure I’m missing something.  What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

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