11.12.2014 (3771 days ago)

Really, Not Even a Little Treble?

Really, Not Even a Little Treble?
3771 days ago 4 comments Categories: Health Tags:

OK so I'm about to blog on the guy who got robbed and wanted to pay for their college, and I come across this article.  I really just don't know what to make of it.  I will lift some quick lines to give you a little "back" ground ;)



Title of article:  Businesses Cash In As Women Chase Bigger Butts



Now before we continue and I get all sorts of grief, I am by no means advocating women feeling badly about their own bodies.  On the contrary, you'll see that this has all the same things wrong with it as when people were obsessing with smaller butts.  Ok let's continue...



"A surgery that pumps fat into the buttocks is gaining popularity. And padded panties that give the appearance of a rounder rump are selling out."

"As a result of the pop culture moment the butt is having, sales for Booty Pop, which hawks $22 foam padded panties on its website, are up 47 percent in the last six months."

"(Jennifer) Lopez is her butt idol, but she also covets the bottoms of reality TV stars on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and "Love & Hip Hop."

"When people see things repeated on TV more and more, it becomes normalized."

"In Europe, and in France especially, there's a trend to show off the buttocks in place of breasts."  (I knew I hated France for more than one reason)

"Kaufmann also suggests economic reasons are at play: "In uncertain times, people look for security," he says. "Men are attracted to women's hips and the buttocks for security and reassurance. Women respond to this. It's deeply psychological."  HUHHH?!?  a bit if a stretch, no? (ok I'll stop with the puns)

"Whatever the reason, the widespread interest in larger hind parts seems to have started when Kardashian's reality TV show, "Keeping up with the Kardashians," began airing seven years ago."   I knew they would be the downfall of society!

"A Brazilian butt lift, in which fat is sucked from a patient's stomach, love handles or back and put into their buttocks and hips...was the fastest-growing plastic surgery last year in the U.S."  EWWWWWW!!!!!   I guess it gives new meaning to putting it in your pocket for later

"The downside of the new interest is that women desperate for cheap options have risked their lives, going to phony doctors that inject silicone, and even bathroom caulk, into their buttocks. Deaths have been reported in Miami, New York, Las Vegas and Jackson, Mississippi."  ...and this is where it stops getting funny.

"Not everyone is trying surgery, though. Those looking for more natural ways to enhance their derriere are attending workout classes and watching workout videos that target the butt."  Thank goodness



While I love looking at beautiful women, I do not at all subscribe to idolizations of perfection that make anyone feel bad about themselves.  Working out is healthy, but nothing is sexier than confidence.  I would have to say though...nothing in the world would be less sexy than Butt Pads...I guess except those nasty "fat transplants."



Who said a while back...up is down and down is up?

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