08.06.2014 (3869 days ago)


3869 days ago 8 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

So the actors of The Big Bang Theory won their negotiation and got their $1M per episode.  More power to them. they do a great job and the show is brilliant.  The truly stunning part was finding out who was trhe highest paid TV personality!


Would you believe that Judge Judy makes $47M per year for her assault on the senses.  My wife and I have argued about this before, and obviously she is not the only one who likes her.


I find her to be an obnoxious...well since we are awash in the fabricated 'War on Women,' I'll give in to political correctness and stop right there.  Let's just say she gets paid a heck of a lot of money for being obnoxious on TV every day.


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