Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.05.2014 (3985 days ago)


3985 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Thursday was an office day. Banging away at my computer I was getting a bit wigged out and it was only 3. I had a bad case of the afternoon doldrums. So I took a break and decided to go outside. I stood there without a coat on, my eyes closed, soaking up the sunshine and warm air. It felt a little strange but quite exhilirating. Then I realized this Spring? Are we really done with winter?


Every morning I half expect it to be snowing but now that expectation is starting to fade away. I see crocuses popping out of the ground. Even my car starts a bit easier. Guess it likes the warm weather too.


Now my attention is turning to my lawn. Maybe this year I'll be able to prevent the crabgrass from growing.


Are you ready for spring?

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