02.12.2015 (3678 days ago)


3678 days ago 8 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

My heart goes out to the family of Kayla Mueller. I am not sure that I can add anything to the story of her idealistic journey that brought her into captivity and death at he hands of ISIL.
When I think of Kayla and her family -- when all this is seen through the eyes of parents -- the question of ransom cannot be far behind.
The President is being asked to re-examine our country’s policy of not paying ransom. In the past few days - and in direct response to Kayla’s murder - the President has reiterated the policy.

I agree with the policy. I concur in the belief that paying ransom would not only fund and strengthen the terrorists but would put more Americans at risk. And, although there may have been some success with other countries who have paid ransom for their citizens, I am not confident in any such outcome.
But when I think about Kayla and her parents, i have to take pause and, perhaps, reconsider.

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