Nancy Schess
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11.15.2016 (3037 days ago)

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
3037 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


It's late and tonight's thoughts are random. So, I'll answer these five questions:


1. Favorite Color: Green, always. I'm not sure why.


2. Comfort Food: Brisket or beef stew. Kind of a similar experience but it's a tie.


3. Favorite Teacher: Mr. Strickler. He was my high school teacher who ran all of the school musical productions.


4. Oldest Thing in Your Closet: I still have my favorite black dress from when Bill and I first got married. There is literally no chance that I will ever get into that dress again but it will stay in my closet.


5. Favorite Coffee: I like my Keurig coffee but a mild breakfast blend. But then it needs some sweet creamer and a whole lot of milk.


And you? Care to answer any of my questions or pose a random question of your own?




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