Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.12.2020 (1698 days ago)


1698 days ago 28 comments Categories: Music Tags:

Two weeks ago on this "page" this blogger shared how he enjoyed sitting outide, even during a heavy rain (when otherwise protected from the elemented).  I mused since about a rain song playlist and compiled a list of songs I enjoy listening to (and have on vinyl -- if the music "aged" well.).  It almost appeared last week but another topic mused me more.  Today I share that list.  23 tunes on Apple Music and 25 on YouTube (because two selections only appear on John Fogerty's channel).

It includes five versions of my all-time fave Poco song, Paul Cotton's Bad Weather, two from Dylan, a great Byrds cover and Neil Young's original of See The Sky About To Rain, both rain songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the extended live version of Clapton's Let It Rain (also included) by his short lived but great band, Derek & the Dominos.  The Beatles provide the title tune.

Do enjoy!

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