Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.26.2020 (1684 days ago)

Proud Parent Moment

Proud Parent Moment
1684 days ago 16 comments Categories: Health Tags:

We are proud of our children and their work. Jonathan works at Guttmacher Institute and Marisa at AJC (American Jewish Committee) New York. Marisa often arranges and participates in meetings with public officials and their staffs who I know and interact with. Jonathan researches and writes studies in the public health sphere, and his latest effort inspired today’s blog: Jonathan is lead author on a study that got published last week in Lancet Global Health.


Early Wednesday eve, Jonathan texted his parents about the study, several years in the making, going live; its title: “Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019.”


retweeted with comment “proud parent moment...” Jonathan’s tweet announcing the study.


I shared it on Facebook and LinkedIn.


I later retweeted Jonathan’s followup tweet that included a new chart on the topic.


Thank you to all who commented and/or liked the various posts on social media.

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