Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.27.2023 (622 days ago)

Print it Out -- Or Not

Print it Out -- Or Not
622 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I very much appreciate technology.    These days I can carry around – and find – any document I have ever created.  OK, maybe that is an exaggeration, but you get my point.  The convenience, completeness and efficiency is second to none.


But, when it comes to actually studying a document – often the cornerstone of my workday – I prefer a hard copy and a pen in my hand.    My concentration and analytical abilities just work better with pen in hand.


Do you print a document when you really need to read?  I am curious as to whether I stand alone.

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I need to print out everything. Old habits die hard.

Posted By : RitaSue