04.21.2016 (3232 days ago)


3232 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Here's how the story came to me. My brother-in-law was waiting in his car on line at his local gas station. Apparently, there is a time honored method to the queue at this particular station.
My brother-in-law is very mild mannered, so I imagine that he never expected what was to come next. A car pulled up next to him and the driver rolled down his window and screamed. “You cut me off. You f**king idiot!”
The response was mild disbelief because he cut no-one off. The other driver persisted. “You're a f**king idiot!” And he persisted.
Finally, my mild-mannered brother-in-law rolled down his window, stared at the other driver and screamed “you're a f**king idiot!”
The other driver drove away.
My brother-in-law wonders why he reacted the way he did with blatant disregard for the consequences that may have ensued. Was confrontation the best choice?
Have we all been taken to the breaking point where primal defenses and reactions take over?

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