Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.10.2024 (310 days ago)

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310 days ago 31 comments Categories: Health Tags:

This past weekend, we returned home from Florida and, truth be told, the main reason I wasn't looking forward to the trip centered on a balky knee which I have been suffering.  

We flew Delta into the new LaGuardia which challenged my physical condition as the plane always parks at the furthermost gate, requiring a long grueling hike to the Baggage Claim Area and Exit.  

Further complicating the situation is the fact that we travel with our beloved Charcoal, a 15 pound Schnoodle, who is required to fly in a small "kennel" which I usually carry on my back like a nap sack after deplaning.  

Once on the ground, I girded myself for the ordeal, but then Joanne urged me to release Charcoal and walk her through the airport.  Not knowing whether it was allowed, I took a chance and did so and thereby relieved myself of a 15 pound load.  

At this point, anticipation always being worse than reality, the magic happened.  Charcoal, finally released from hours of claustrophobic confinement, was unbridled and began to pull me along by her leash.  Suddenly, I realized the unexpected double benefit and just allowed myself to glide along, enjoying my good fortune to be powered by Charcoal!

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A dog shall lead us!

Posted By : louis petrone

Never underestimate the power of YOUR dog

Posted By : Neil Hollander