Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.22.2020 (1810 days ago)


1810 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Gotham, Nutmeggers

I had looked forward to to a few road trips – well long rides – using my songs of the road playlist but it seems like many plans a lot of us looked forward to – Postponed. Indeed, over the last few week, many events I helped planned and/or planned to attend got the new “P” word; in a few circumstances, another word applied – “canceled.” I prefer postponed.


In any event, this applies in all facets of my world, professional, networking, non-profit, fraternal, recreation (overlaps often exist and I enjoy that.). While the events came off the calendar or received tentative new dates, some of the meetings moved to a virtual mode, and “discussions” on exploring those modes for others continue.


The ability to use technology to move forward with meetings helps a lot in these times where we need to limit contact, practicing social distancing. I am learning to use videoconferencing tools and soon plan to select one for use where I host and run the meeting.


For my Gotham Network which hosts this blog, I found some interesting facets in going tech for meetings. It saves on travel time; more time for other things. Think: Be more productive. It also allows for interactions one might enjoy. Friday’s blogger joined a few meetings where distance would normally preclude his presence. Gotham – more for the non-Gotham readers of this commentary – encourages its members to visit other groups; we call it “riding the circuit” or “circuit-riding.” Logistics – think longer travel times and even time of day – might preclude such a visit until these times. Earlier this week, I enjoyed a virtual circuit ride to an evening meeting of the Nutmeggers, one of Gotham’s groups based in the nutmeg state (Connecticut). I look to make other virtual circuit ride visits to other Gotham groups.


Turning the lemons caused by the crisis to lemonade; not so bad. Are you using tech in more and new ways too?


P.S. If you do need a pick me up, consider my Doin’ Fine playlist (covered in last week’s commentary.)

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