02.20.2023 (735 days ago)


735 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

How much do you share on social media? I am very careful about what I share. As a divorce attorney it amazes me what I can find out about people by just looking at their Facebook page.


Recently the husband of a client surprised me a bit by calling me a “liberal” after a contentious settlement conference.  I mentally re-examined what we had discussed to determine whether I had said anything during our conference that had revealed my political leanings. I even went through my notes and could not find any statement that may have made that revealed my political leanings.


After everyone left my office, I checked my Facebook page and looked for postings that could have revealed my political point of view.  I had made  a conscious decision in the past to severely limit any  political commentary on my social media.


I later mentioned the “liberal” comment to my client asking her why she believed her husband had made the comment.  She laughed and told me, “That’s what he says. He thinks it’s an insult.”


There’s so much I could say about this interaction. But I am limiting my inquiry to my question about social media. Do you limit what you post?

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