05.20.2019 (2110 days ago)

Politics and Social Media

Politics and Social Media
2110 days ago 16 comments Categories: Politics Tags:


I generally keep my political views off of social media. I never quite understood the use of social media to express individual political views. I always felt it was better to express one’s politics in more conventional ways, voting, rallying, and financial contributions.



If you’re my friend on Facebook, you know that I did post a political position this week. I am not going to debate the political issue here. I will only say that I felt it necessary to voice my opinion because the issue is one that I view as extremely important.



I will admit that getting my opinion “out there,” felt good for me, almost cathartic. But beyond that, I don’t know what else I may have accomplished.  I'm sure I did not change anyone's mind on the issue, I just added my voice to the chorus that agrees with my position.



Do you use social media to express political views? What does it accomplish for you?

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