Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.22.2017 (2787 days ago)

Polar iced

Polar iced
2787 days ago 7 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I just reread a blog I wrote over 3 months ago. It was about being heroic...seeking to understand each other rather than punish or overreact.


My intent, at that time, was to take a stride towards middle ground where anyone can speak their mind without being called names. To truly listen and respect each other's opinions. However, a recent post on the politics listserv had me shaking my head.


A person forwarded an opinion piece positioning one side as evil and manipulative and the other as thoughtful and justified. It was a very well written and crafted piece. If you are on the thoughtful and justified side, you would believe it as truth even though it was not based in fact.


This typifies the style of communication and constant bombardment of opinion, fake news and twisted facts we continually face. It is not healthy nor does it help us forge ahead.


Let's move on...

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